Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Deviating From The Plan

So I'm wrapping up my Literature Review but my action plan was still in the back of my mind. After talking to my mentor, I just about lost all hope of an international fair taking place any time soon. It just wasn't coming together and I had came to the conclusion that I was just going to have to deviate from the plan and find another action. That was all before I spoke with Ms. Savido. After talking with her, she informed me that the Site Visit that I had done during my internship in March as a good action plan that I should use instead. I was a little shaky about it because I didn't think it would be a good action plan and I didn't have many pictures of what happened. She on the other hand said it would be great for an action plan and I could just go to the office, take pictures of it and explain the workings of the facility. In no time I was in love with the idea and it was great because now my action plan is already finished. I don't have to worry about that anymore and can focus all of my attention now to my electronic portfolio and literature review. Things are starting to look better.

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