Monday, September 21, 2009

Jumping Around...

It was a jumpy day for me as I decided what I wanted to work on. I came in today and the first thing I did was sketch out a rough draft of how I wanted the cafeteria to look like. My scaling was a little off but overall the job got done. I estimated to need about 8 college students who have studied abroad to come in and help me. Afterwards, I had my meeting with Mr. Mays and am on track with what I need to get done. I worked on my paper and got a significant amount done. As I was writing, I was getting confused if the sources that go in the paper should still be cited in parentheses if they were already introduced at the beginning of a sentenced. It was a question I didn't get answered but will be sure to clear by tomorrow. Lastly, I worked on my Electronic Portfolio and got searched for the pictures that I will be using for my backgrounds and so forth. I checked my e-mail to see if the sixth grade teacher had contacted me today but she hadn't. I expected her call over the weekend but I didn't receive one nor a message so I'm just waiting for her response. I can't wait to get some ideas down so I can start getting a little more organized for my event. I also checked to see if Matt had contacted me back with setting up a meeting time for me to go over my project with my mentor and it was empty as well. I'm basically waiting for everyone to get back to me with the information I sent them.

1 comment:

  1. DeAnna, if you include the source info in the sentence, you do not need the parentheses at the end of the sentence. Work with it - you're asking the right questions!
    - Mrs. Savido
