Monday, September 14, 2009

Its Monday Again...

So its Monday again and its time to get back to work. Over the weekend I worked on my Outline and finished putting the extra detail in it. I really wanted to move on from my notes so I had to buckle down it get it finished regardless of how sore I was from Teen Quest. It worked out though because I was able to start of my Literature Review. It was hard for me to find a good way to start off my introduction. I really want to engage the reader and make them want to read my paper. I decided on doing an anecdote and put the reader in a study abroad experience and then tie it together with the main focus of the paper. After starting over the paper so many times and finally going through with one of my ideas, I didn't get a great start but I'm glad I got something and have something to go off.

I had my meeting with Mr. Hamilton and told him what I had done and what else needs to be done. I still have to conduct my interview. The interns for the fall semester haven't been selected yet and so the college study abroad student is what I'm still waiting for but I'm am going to try to set up an interview with one of my mentors or another person who works there to get some insight from a mentor's point of view and their perspective what they want their students to experience. In addition, we talked about my action plan. I still have a lot of work to do and time is not on my side. He gave me the e-mail address of a sixth grade teacher who did a world fair with her class and said I should contact her to get some advice. That was the very first thing I did today. I needed to explain who I was, what I was doing, and why I needed her help so after everything was explained, it was a pretty lengthy e-mail and I hope she doesn't mind. However, there was no need to send thousands of e-mails just to keep the length short. The quicker she knows about me and what I'm doing, the better off I will be in the long run.

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