Monday, September 28, 2009


Coming into class today I was really groggy and it took me a while to get to work. For the first hour I worked on my paper and realized that one of my paragraphs was about a page long. I couldn't believe this. I didn't know where to break the paragraph up because I made every thing flow with each other so it sounded awkward when a new paragraph tied in with the previous sentence. For now I just left it the way it was and I'll attend to that at a later time. I still hadn't gotten a response back from Matt and time is running out in getting everything together so I contacted my mentor directly and told her that I couldn't get an appointment time with her like she requested. I couldn't continue to wait for Matt to e-mail me back and waste more time and by the time I get home, its after five and the office is closed. Hopefully she gets back to me by the end of the day, if not, tomorrow by the latest because I need to have confirmations and not assumptions.

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