Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Post in Months

This week is mostly consisting of getting myself organized and retaining all the work that was done during 11th grade. Today I worked on...
  • Emailed my intern mentors and got them up to speed on what I was doing so far
  • Organized my notes and made a note as to what else needed additional attention
  • Updated my webliography

I gave myself a goal for Sunday to be completed all the way up to a updated and detailed outline. At first I was getting discouraged because I wasn't sure if everything would still be where I left it on my H drive but luckily everything was exactly as I had left it. After reviewing all of my work I let out a sigh of relief and after going over the check list, there is very little that still needs to be finished.

I think I am ready to complete the journey laid out in front of me.

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