Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No Missing Pieces

Since I had finished re-writing the rubrics yesterday, I focused the majority of my time today on my outline. I know that the outline is the foundation of the paper and I needed to make sure I had crossed my "T"s and dotted all my "I"s. When I looked over my outline, I realized that there was some information on my notes that needed to be on my outline and that there was information on my outline from my notes that didn't really need to be there and I needed to get it all organized. With the whole outline due on Friday, I really buckled down and basically that is all I worked on today. The teacher that I had e-mailed yesterday hadn't gotten back to me so I'm still waiting for her response. I pretty much halted my writing on the Lit Review until after I turn in my outline and then so I will know exactly what I'm putting in my paper and what I'm not. I will probably try to get the anecdote that I started finished however because I don't want the ideas that I had in mind to slip away from me and I'll be stuck again. Afterwards, I'm going to put all the different Roman numerals in order and that way I will really be prepared to finish my Lit Review.

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