Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Getting the Rubrics

Today was a productive day. I started off today with re-writing the rubrics since they were going to be due on Friday. I also needed to get them done before I went any further on my paper so I would know what I needed to include in my paper. When I finally finished, it definitely helped me to understand how I should write my paper to get the grade that I'm shooting for.

I also talked with Ms. Savido today and we kind did a quick run through of what I wanted to do with my action plan. There is a possibility that I may have the International Fair during the parent teacher conference day. I had never even thought of getting the parents involved and it was a really good idea. I really need to start getting some information from the interns and mentors from my internship so I know that everyone is on the same page as I am. Right now I have to make something that sort of resembles a blueprint of the cafeteria so I know what I want and where so I can manage the space. It seems as though the some things are starting to fall in place.

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