Thursday, September 17, 2009


Hello was another productive day. I'm just about finished with my outline which is a good thing. All that is left to do is go over it one more time and put the information in the order that I plan to write about it. I really didn't work on anything else besides adding a few more websites to my Webliography that I hadn't put on yet so I could refer to the sources on my Outline. Aside from that, I looked at my e-mail and the sixth grade teacher responded to me and said that she would help me with my outline....great news! Lastly, today I felt like a complete idiot and one would not know that my project was on study abroad. I asked Mr. Mays if London was the country that Paris was located in...Yeah I know that I should have known that answer but for some reason I though it went: Paris, London. But Mr. Mays kindly acknowledged my stupidity and told me that London was in England and Paris is in France. :) I will make sure to not ask questions I should already know the answer to.

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