Friday, January 30, 2009

Tell me...did you know...?

After researching the statistics for studying abroad, the numbers are very interesting. Take a look at what has been happening over the years.

QUESTION: Did you know…?

Number of Americans studying abroad increased by 8% in academic 06/07 year

· Growth in Americans receiving academic credits increase close to 150%

· American students are more frequently choosing non-traditional study abroad locations

· Increase of study abroad locations relates to increase in range of study abroad locations

· New York University remains leading sending institution sending 3,034 students

· 40 campuses awarded credits to more than 1,000 students

· Top three fields of study of American study abroad students are Social Sciences, Business and Management, and Humanities

· National total of study abroad participation by state is 1.36%

· Europe hosts the largest share of U.S. students that study abroad (57%)

· In 2003/04, around 191,000 students studied abroad compared to the 76,000 ten years ago.


Open Doors Online


Americans Studying Abroad


“This increase remains a strong indicator of the tremendous interest in study abroad, both in spite of and in response to the changing geopolitical climate following 9/11.”

Source: Americans Studying Abroad

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