Thursday, January 15, 2009

Finally Getting Somewhere

After wondering and constantly thinking about what my project was going to be about, I finally found a good idea that I could create a project around. I chose to base my project on my internship at the University of Pittsburgh Study Abroad office. My part in their office is to help them develop an outreach to high school students. I figured; why not involve my intern in my graduation project? Once the thought ran through my head, ideas about what I could do with it just came flowing in different directions but I didn’t know which one was best for me.

I tried to put myself in the mindset of an average teenager and then the picture became clearer. Just telling students about study abroad isn’t going to leave much of an impression, however, showing them and presenting bits and pieces of the real thing may make a difference.

I told my mentors about my project and the road that I chose to take and they were excited about it, probably more than I was. I am very excited that they are going to help me with my research and assisting me in putting my project into motion. The materials the study abroad office has are endless and I can’t wait to put them to good use.

Even after having somewhat of a plan to get some ground work done, my mentor told me that it was going to take more than a few months to reach the goals they have set for themselves. The bigger question is, even if I do make an impression with my project, how do they use this information and replicate it for all the other high schools? It is a goal that is probably going to take a few years to reach but I am glad that I have become a small part in something that will become huge with time.

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