Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Moving Forward

I finished and uploaded my topic question and 10 websites a while ago. I started on foundation questions and brainstormed a few key terms. It was hard to figure out foundation questions that would relate to the essential question I have made for myself. I read through some of my websites and it kind of gave me an idea of what questions I need to ask and what key terms I need. My key terms may seem like they don't relate, but the benefits from study abroad in the long run strongly relate to the key terms and sort of quietly support the essential question.

In addition to making my foundation questions, I tried to create questions that I had a good chance of finding the answer to. Because I am going to be using a lot of people as my informational sources I knew that the Internet may not have as relevant results to my topics as I would need it to. I placed other sources such as the Internet but also the library and personal interviews with different authorities as sources where I am going to find the answers to my foundation questions. So far, everything seems to be moving forward.

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