Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Initial Topic Ideas

The different news that I have heard about the graduation project at City High is that it is extremely important in terms of graduation. I know that it is a project that is conducted by the student and is surrounded by the student’s interests and motivation. I also heard that there is a panel that every student must present their project to when the final project is finally completed. I do know a few students who have completed their graduation projects. Though I don’t really know what their projects were about or how they felt when they presented them, I do remember that they told me they were very nervous when they were presenting, even after practicing their presentation numerous times.
When thinking about what I would structure my project around, I am completely lost. I have idea which direction I am going to take or even what interest of mine that I am truly passionate about. I do know that I want to find something that I can continue to do beyond my graduation project. I want to be able to stay involved in the work I do and see how far it can take me and how many ripples it can make to other people.
Some concerns I have about my project are first finding a topic. I am the worst person in making decisions and seeing that I don’t have forever to complete this project, I worry that I may take too long to figure out what I really want to do with this graduation project. Other concerns that I have are the actual points I would be making to the panel I am going to be presenting to next year. The main idea here is what the big deal is and why should anyone care about what I am trying to do with this project and I hope that I maintain my motivation and confidence and don’t become discouraged along the way by fear.


  1. Aw dont worry sweet cheeks
    you'll find a topic and do great.
    I think you should consider your first idea with studying abroad.
    You will have already had some expeirence in the topic and be able to grasp it well.
    (just a suggestions)

    :) love u!

  2. If I knew what abroad ment I would tell you to go through with it also.
