Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For Wednesday's Forecast...

I don't remember what I blogged last time so I'm just going to relay the most recent things that I have completed since there really isn't a need to keep repeating myself. Yesterday I worked the entire time on my website. I changed the layout of the homepage at least 3 times before I was happy with the one I have now. I took me a long time to get everything where I wanted it to be. Pictures are a really pain to deal with and its really upsetting that we need so many of them. Today I continued working on my website and placed in all of my roll over buttons for the homepage. I think I can move on from it now and work on my FAQs page. After the first hour of working on my website, I turned to getting my interview completed. I already had my interview questions completed from last year and so now all I had to do was get someone to interview. I had been waiting on my mentor to e-mail me back and she hadn't yet so I sent her another e-mail and thankfully, she e-mailed me back 5 minutes later. Though the time and date is not set, I'm going to be interviewing her and another intern that she will provide for me hopefully before the end of next week which is tremendously great news. Now from then on, I'll be able to fully complete my Lit Review.

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