Tuesday, October 27, 2009

For Tuesday

Hello all....After consuming about an hour transferring everything to my H Drive, I worked on my paper and incorporated some of my interview into it so I could get my teacher edit. After giving my paper to Mr. Hamilton, I then went on to work on my Presentation. It took me a while to figure out what layout and design I wanted to use but afters some deep pondering, I centered down on an idea. I realized while doing the project, a lot my pictures will need to be from students studying abroad. So...I made a note to e-mail the interns who I interviewed so they can send me their pictures from their experience and that way, I'll be able to explain every picture in my presentation.

Oh look...Mr. Hamilton just handed me my paper back....yay

Friday, October 23, 2009

For the Weekend

I made a lot of progress this week. On Wednesday I conducted my interviews with my mentor and 2 interns. It was very insightful and I have a lot of information to include into my paper. With this, I will finally be able to conclude my paper with all the information needed and get my teacher edit completed. Also, I'm just about finished with my website. I finished about 5 pages this week and am putting the finishing touches on it. Over the weekend I plan on working on my Literature Review so I can get it edited on Monday in addition to starting my Presentation and putting all the necessary information on it. It will be very busy but will for the better come Monday.

Friday, October 16, 2009

End of the Week

Its the end of the week but it has been productive. I have confirmed my date for my interview with two interns and my mentor. Its going to be next week and that will also be the time where I will take pictures of the office and it will contribute to the documentation of my action plan. I continued to work on my website for the entire two hours and am making progress. I'm almost half way down and once I complete my interview, I will be able to complete that page on my website. With significant time devoted to my website during the weekend, I'm sure that I will be able to complete the majority of it and move on to putting together my presentation.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For Wednesday's Forecast...

I don't remember what I blogged last time so I'm just going to relay the most recent things that I have completed since there really isn't a need to keep repeating myself. Yesterday I worked the entire time on my website. I changed the layout of the homepage at least 3 times before I was happy with the one I have now. I took me a long time to get everything where I wanted it to be. Pictures are a really pain to deal with and its really upsetting that we need so many of them. Today I continued working on my website and placed in all of my roll over buttons for the homepage. I think I can move on from it now and work on my FAQs page. After the first hour of working on my website, I turned to getting my interview completed. I already had my interview questions completed from last year and so now all I had to do was get someone to interview. I had been waiting on my mentor to e-mail me back and she hadn't yet so I sent her another e-mail and thankfully, she e-mailed me back 5 minutes later. Though the time and date is not set, I'm going to be interviewing her and another intern that she will provide for me hopefully before the end of next week which is tremendously great news. Now from then on, I'll be able to fully complete my Lit Review.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I haven't blogged in a while but have been making some progress. Today I finished my peer editing today with Eric F. and will be editing the many mistakes that we found in paper. There weren't as many as I thought there were but Eric said that it was a good paper so it can't be that bad. I've started to work on the homepage of me site which is coming along well. I've got an idea of what I want to for how I want to set up the rest of my pages. Overall, everything seems to going at a good pace. My action plan is done so I don't have to worry about it anymore. I just have to get the pictures that I'm going to use for my presentation and save them as my documentation of the project. I still haven't gotten any responses about whether or not the interns at my internship have been selected yet but I think I'll just change who I want to interview considering I might be waiting for a long time and time is precious.