Monday, March 16, 2009

The Nitty Gritty (Courtney won't leave me alone!)

For today my goal was to work on my notes. Ms. Savido had told us different strategies that people used to organize their notes and my notes, I must say, do need some serious reconstruction. I don't like my layout and I needed something that was going to work for me. Today, I reconstructed my notes to have one foundation question on its own separate document. It would make it alot easier to go to each note in it's own space and it would allow me to expand with alot of information. So today, I redid my notes and now it is a lot more organized for me. I am now looking through the articles that I printed out and trying to get some serious detail into my notes because I am so tired of note having adequate notes. I am finally getting into the nitty gritty even though Courtney continues to mess with me.

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