Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Crunch Time

Hola everyone. I'm am working on my notes and I must admit that it is becoming very frustrating. It seems as though my foundation questions won't receive relevant results when I look them up on the Internet. Time is precious and I am starting to panic on whether or not I am going to be done on time. There are a couple of questions in which sources on my webliography can answer but a good 5 or 6 questions are left on the back burner. It is definitely crunch time and I am going to have to really dig deep to get the information that I need to answer these questions. Hasta Luego!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Getting Back to Business

It is been some time since a post has went up. My apologies. Right now, I am working on my interview questions. I haven't really decided on who I was going to interview but I am almost positive that I am going to interview some one at my intern. It will either be my mentor or the senior advisor at the office because many of my questions need to be answered by someone who has a to, for lack of a better word, deal with students often. I'm also starting to build some interview questions for a student who has already studied abroad and get some information from the students perspective as well. I will probably ask one of the college interns that work in the office to have that interview with me.

I'm almost done with the questions so I will soon be working on my notes. Those will be a little more difficult because many of my questions are not getting a lot of answers from the Internet. I will probably have to start going to the library for more resources so I can get my notes turned in on time. It is definitely time to start getting back to business.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Still Tugging Along

Today was mainly a continuation of yesterday's job. I finally reached my annotations and will probably be able to finish the assignment by tomorrow. I was ecstatic that students are returning my surveys. The numbers are really starting to increase which I know my mentors will be thrilled about. I'm curious to know how the categories will turn out after all of my research is completed. Also, I talked to Allison Peters about her project and how closely ours are related yesterday. I mentioned her to my mentors and told them a little bit about her project and they already want to meet her! I plan to talk to her and get a better understanding of what she is doing so maybe in some way we could do some work together that would be mutually beneficial. The project is really going underway.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cite it Right

Time to do the citing! I went through my websites and started finding the websites that I know are most beneficial for my project. Using Easy Bib was a great help too. So far I have about five citations right now but I haven't started the annotation yet. However, I do keep in mind what I am going to write about when I visit the sites for the MLA information.