Monday, November 9, 2009

Presentation Progress

This week is all about presentations and I'm a little worried about mine. I'm passed the layout phase and getting everything to look the way that I want it to. I also pretty much got all the fundamental information placed on my slides. What I'm working on now is explaining everything that I put on my slides. Without a doubt I know my presentation and I know the information that I put in it. I explained why I chose the project that I did and how it means to me. Like I said, the ground work is finished and I know my material. The next step for me is to make it into a presentation. The next step for me is to make it so that the audience will pay attention to me from the minute I walk into the door to the minute they leave. I want to make it so that this topic that doesn't seem to interesting to a lot of people engages anyone who takes the time to listen. Today I worked on putting notes under my slide. I decided that the best way for me to practice and nail my presentation is to right down everything that I want to say on a particular slide, practice it consistently and what I don't have nailed down would go on my note cards in case I get tripped up. I spent the entire time on that making sure I chose the right words and explained what I needed to explain. I'm also thinking about how I plan to open up my project. I do have a first slide that it symbolic to my presentation but its not enough for me. I wanted to sort of open up my presentation with like a question. I wanted to hold up a blown up map - similar to one that I had at my Site Visit - and circle a few countries to quiz the panel and see what they knew. I would kind of tie it in to how much trouble it was for the students at my Site Visit to identify some of the countries and explain how this ties into the focus of my project. However, its just an idea and I'm not sure what is a good idea and what really isn't. This is where I am right now and I know I have way to go before I am completely confident in presenting.